EQUIP is a discipleship pathway designed to be studied as part of a local study group. It is intended to be accessible, even if you have no previous theological study, and to encourage you to engage with the Bible at a deeper level.
You will be challenged as a follower of Christ to live with greater purpose and preparedness, whether at home, school, workplace, church, or community. You will be engaged in disciplined personal study, biblical interpretation and completing short assignments. Your group study involves listening to others, evaluating different points of view, and expressing your own view as you grow together in God’s Word.
Equip uses a clear methodology to study the Bible at a deeper level.
Personal Study: We provide interactive study materials for each student to go through at their own pace at home. The studies are designed to be accessible to people who have previously struggled with learning and also challenging for those who are well-educated.
Group Meetings: Facilitated group learning is an essential part of our methodology where people learn from one another in a trusting environment, helping each other apply their learning to everyday life. Groups typically meet on a weekly basis to further discuss what they have learned. At the beginning of each course, the group decides on timing and location for group meetings. Your group leader will receive training on how to facilitate group meetings.
Application: Each course is designed to help people apply their studies by enabling them to hear what God is saying, apply it to personal discipleship, and to any form of ministry and mission in which they are involved.

benefits of the equip approach to Biblical Discipleship
Students stay plugged in to their local church, their families and support networks, and can immediately apply what they learn to their real-world context.
flexibile schedule
Students have time to work through their studies at their own pace, providing flexibility for all learning styles and walks of life.
cost effective
EQUIP is a cost-effective way to receive biblical discipleship, making it accessible to the majority of people in a church.
study-life balance
While enrolled in EQUIP, students can continue to earn a living, or be enrolled in full-time education - there is no need to put your life on pause to benefit from this discipleship pathway.
impactful disciples
This program equips and empowers local churches to make disciples who, in turn, disciple others.
Students graduate better prepared to impact their church and community.
The Equip discipleship pathway is broken down into 4 sections

What Is Expected Of me?
In order to get the most out of each course, you will be expected to:
Complete your personal study.
Participate actively with your study group.
Be actively involved in a ministry; practically applying your learning in your local church or community.
Final assessment by means of assignments or exams depending on the Level and the course. Group leaders are given guidelines on how to assess work. Certificates will be given to those who successfully complete a level of the program.
The Role Of your Group Leader
The Group Leader’s role is to facilitate group discussion and work through the application of what they have studied. The Group Leader:
• is not a preacher – but a guide.
• is not the teacher – but a facilitator.
• does not need to know all the answers – but helps the group study.
The TEXT = the Bible
The TEACHER = the Course Materials
The GROUP LEADER = facilitates discussion, starts/ends the group study.

Equip course materials
Your EQUIP materials can be ordered by church coordinators through the registration form below. Courses following the EQUIP Pathway are listed below and additional learning resources can be requested from our office at equip@emmc.ca
Level 1 EQUIP Student Workbooks: $15
Leve 2-4 EQUIP Student Workbooks: $25
EQUIP Leader Guides: $10
(1 FREE Leader Guide with every 8 Student Workbooks)
EQUIP Pathway courses
Additional Learning
Register your equip discipleship group
This form is for Church Coordinators only.
You will need to know the names of all your students and will be billed after submitting your registration form.
Please fill out a form for each book course you are ordering.
No. EQUIP is a discipleship pathway that may lead some to go to Bible School but is not intended to replace Bible school education. EQUIP is designed to provide quality Bible training that is accessible to the majority of people while they live and work at home.
The local church is encouraged to use EQUIP as a pathway to disciple their own people who will in turn disciple others. EQUIP is a practical tool intended to empower churches as part of their overall discipleship strategy, helping to develop mature, stable, and spiritually strong disciples.
You receive interactive course materials which you work through on your own. You also attend a local study group to discuss your learning. These are led by group leaders who are trained to facilitate. You will gain increased confidence in understanding and interpreting the Bible and develop the ability to evaluate different opinions through God’s Word.
The courses are designed to help you learn, whatever your academic level. Courses are easy to follow and gradually take you deeper. Many who do not consider themselves good at learning are surprised at their abilities. Everyone will be challenged to think deeper about their Christian faith.
Each course is carefully designed to help you structure your biblical studies. Personal study is designed to enable you to go at your own pace as you set aside regular time each week. In your group, you will decide how much to study each week. The amount of time needed varies according to the course and the level, but we estimate less than an hour per lesson.
There is a course fee for each course you enroll in. Level 1 courses are $15 per student and Levels 2-4 courses are $25 per student. If cost is a concern, we encourage you to work with your local church leadership and the EMMC office to make EQUIP possible for you.
If your church is already enrolled with the EQUIP discipleship pathway, we encourage you to contact the coordinator in your local church. If you would like more information on how your church can develop a discipleship pathway, please contact the EMMC office at equip@emmc.ca.