our Partners
Working together as a team to achieve our mission.
Associate Missions
Avant Ministries
More than 2 billion people still need to hear the gospel. Since 1892 Avant Ministries has focused on planting and developing the church in the unreached areas of the world. Through church planting, church support ministries, media, education, camp and business, we hope to establish churches among the unreached: mature, nationally-led churches that desire to plant more churches, first in their own city, and then all over the world.
Inner City Youth Alive
To bring hope and a future through Christ to youth and their families in the inner city. Inner City Youth Alive (ICYA) is located in the North End of Winnipeg, which is one of the poorest and underserved area in Winnipeg and Canada. ICYA provides a safe, active and nurturing environment for children and youth, many of whom experience poverty, abuse and neglect.
Northern Canada Evangelical Mission
Northern Canada Evangelical Mission (NCEM) is an interdenominational faith organization seeking to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Native peoples of Canada. Organized in 1946, we currently have a membership of about 90 full-time missionaries (plus associate, honorary, and Governing Board members) on about 20 stations across the country and in specialized ministries.
Youth With A Mission
Youth With A Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), we unite in a common purpose to know God and to make Him known. Back when we began in 1960, our main focus was to get youth involved in missions. Today, we still focus on youth, and we also involve people aged 9 to 90. We currently have tens of thousands of staff (called “YWAMers”) and we work in thousands of teams and locations.
Engage Today
Engage Today works primarily with the leaders of independent indigenous mission groups. Through visiting the indigenous missions and building relationships with them, Engage Today has come to know our indigenous mission leaders. Our vision of discipleship is taking the role of serving in suitable and appropriate ways, and encouraging the indigenous mission in their lead ministry role.
Multi-Nation Missions Foundation
MMF was founded by Gerhard and Luise Wiens in 1983 in the province of British Columbia, Canada. The Wiens’ first had a burden to reach the old Mennonites colonies in Mexico. Their first ministry of preaching and teaching happened in Mexico from 1983 to 1990. We currently work in 18 different countries globally with over 40 agents/missionaries. Our goal is to support, encourage, and train indigenous missionaries and organizations around the world who are engaged in fruitful Kingdom work.
WEC International
WEC (Worldwide Evangelization for Christ) is a multicultural, interdenominational missions agency. WEC’s goal is to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the least-evangelized peoples of the world so that people come to a living faith in Jesus Christ, to disciple these believers and see churches established that will in turn make disciples in their communities and beyond.
Associate Partners
Abundance Canada
Abundance Canada (formerly Mennonite Foundation of Canada) is a public charitable foundation for people of faith, making giving joyful and easy since 1974. Abundance Canada is donor-advised, providing guidance, tax information and tools to help you support the causes you care about most. EMMC provides representatives to their board of directors and encourages churches and individuals to interact with the services Abundance Canada provides.

Conferencia Misionera Evangelica
In 2007, the Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference (EMMC) and the Evangelical Mennonite Conference (EMC) merged their then ministries with seven other congregations that were independent Low German-speaking churches located in the states of Chihuahua and Durango. The new conference is called the Evangelical Missionary Conference. The CME is growing, it is currently active in the ministries located in the states of Tamaulipas and Veracruz.
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) was formed by a group of pastors in 1964. Today, the EFC affiliates include denominations, ministry organizations, educational institutions and individual congregations who promote fellowship, cooperation and a united voice to media and government. The EFC also has more than 15,000 supporting individuals.
The Executive Director of EMMC is a representative to their board of directors.
Mennonite Disaster Service
Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) is the disaster-relief agency of Mennonite churches in Canada, the United States and their territories. MDS currently involves more than 3,000 Mennonite, Amish and Brethren in Christ churches and districts.
EMMC provides regional representation to their organization.
Eden Foundation/ Eden Healthcare
The Eden organization together with other faith communities is a publicly funded facility which is owned and sponsored by the Mennonite community. In all that we do, we strive to follow the example of Christ who healed the sick, comforted the sorrowful and welcomed the outcast.
Meetinghouse Gathering
Meetinghouse Gathering is a consortium of Anabaptist publications in USA and Canada. EMMC's Communication Coordinator, Lil Goertzen is a member on behalf of The Recorder.
Education & Training Partners
Steinbach Bible college
Steinbach Bible College (SBC) is an Evangelical Anabaptist college committed to training men and women to serve God in the church and society since 1936. SBC is governed by the Christian Mennonite Conference, Evangelical Mennonite Conference, Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference and more recently the Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba by appointing representatives to the Cabinet which gives direction to the College. EMMC Reps- – Darrell Dyck from Steinbach MB and Darrell Kehler from Niverville MB.
EMMC Student Bursaries
A member of the EMMC? Looking to attend post-secondary education of any sort? We want to help! Click here for the application Package:
Inter-Mennonite Chaplaincy Association
Inter-Mennonite Chaplaincy Association is a partnership of two Mennonite church conferences working together to provide an Anabaptist Mennonite presence and chaplain on the University of Manitoba campus. The church conferences involved in this association are EMMC and Mennonite Church Manitoba.
EMMC Reps - Gladys Terichow, Morrow Gospel Winnipeg.
La Iglesia Evangélica Anabautista en Bolivia
La Iglesia Evangélica Anabautista en Bolivia strives to grow leadership from the inside having a number of youth and young adult leadership development programs. LIEAB leadership is committed to an aggressive church growth program with a goal of planting churches in every Bolivian department (province) in the next few years.
RIMI or La Red de Iglesias Misioneras Internacionales, is another ministry connected with the LIEAB organization. This international missions outreach program came about as the result of LIEAB sending one of their own leaders as a missionary to Mexico City some years ago. It involves an annual missions conference involving up to a dozen mostly Spanish speaking pastors and missionaries from various countries.
Impacto JVC
This ministry provides a Christian radio presence in Mexico’s capital city. The association with Impacto JVC is through RIMI.
Impacto JVC broadcasts programs to encourage, teach and mentor the Christian community, and to attract those who are searching to the Word of God.

Seminario por Extensión Teológico a las Américas
SETA (Seminario por Extensión Teológico a las Américas) is an impactful LIEAB ministry that provides training to pastors and leaders in churches across denominations in Bolivia. Program offerings include distributing and administering SEAN (Study by Extension for All Nations) Bible study materials. Annually, several hundred students take part in this theological training by extension program, available in Spanish and Low German, in urban and remote regions.

La Fortaleza School
La Fortaleza School in Santa Cruz Bolivia is administered by LIEAB. Annually over 700 students get the opportunity for a quality education that changes lives.
Campamento Chorovi
This is where the EMMC work initially began in Bolivia. What was formerly a clinic and ministry centre is now being developed into a multi-use retreat facility run by LIEAB. The LIEAB vision for Chorovi is that it will be used by many organizations for teaching and training purposes.
Evangelical Bergthaler Mennonite Conference (EBMC)
The EBMC is a conference of 7 churches located in northern Alberta, primarily in the La Crete area. Members of the EBMC have a strong tie to the Low German Mennonites of Bolivia. The MEM partnership with EMMC developed in part because of the desire of the EMBC members to see the hope of the Gospel come into the lives of friends and relatives who were either still living in one of the numerous colonies, and others who had disassociated themselves with colony life. The EBMC and EMMC share equally in the annual budget that covers ministry expenses.
Blumenau Menonite Church
The BMC located in the Cuauhtémoc region of Mexico is the newest associate partner in the MEM ministry. The BMC is developing an international missions outreach program and has chosen to participate in the MEM ministry by sponsoring a young couple to assist in the education ministry in the community of Hacienda Verde.
Evangelical Mennonite Church (EMG)
EMG in Sommerfeld Colony of East Paraguay supports a young couple involved in administrative leadership and education in the community of Hacienda Verde.
Evangelical Mennonite Conference (EMC)
The EMC conference headquartered in Steinbach, Manitoba became an associate member of MEM a number of years ago. EMC has since provided several staff members to help the ministry and participates actively by sending prayer and work teams to promote the work among its members.
Iglesia Evangélica Menonita
Iglesia Evangélica Menonita in the Menno Colony, of Paraguay’s Chaco region has made it possible for a couple experienced in dairy, ranching and organizational leadership to be active participants of the MEM work in Bolivia.