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Christmas Catalogue

Projects listed in this catalogue are available until January 31, 2025


During the Christmas season, we often reflect on the birth of Christ. Luke 2:11 says, “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” This was good news then and is good news still today.

As we enter this season of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, we recognize that there are still so many people who have not heard about him, who do not know him, and are in desperate need of him.

By sharing of our financial resources with others, we can continue spreading the Good News of Jesus! Two thousand years ago, the angels brought the good news of great joy! A child was born into this world - the Savior - Christ, the Lord. That Good News of Jesus is the best news for a world that needs to hear about love and forgiveness.

We invite you to read through this brochure and consider how you may want to be part of sharing the Good News this Christmas season.

Merry Christmas!

Because of Christ, 

Henry Redekopp
EMMC Executive Director

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donate form

Give by Cheque

During the Canada Post disruption, we encourage you to make your contributions electronically (credit card/etransfer) or drop off your cheque at the EMMC Home Office, and stay for tea.

EMMC Office

757 St. Anne’s Road,

Winnipeg MB  R2N 4G6


Recurring Donations


To set up automatic giving,

Funding is confined to programs and projects approved by the General Board of the Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference.

Gifts designated to a project or ministry will be used for that project or ministry with the understanding that funds may be used for other similar purposes if the project or ministry is fully funded or cannot be carried out for any reason. EMMC is accredited by the Canadian Council of Christian Charities.


EMMC’s registered charity number is # 10735 4557 RR 0001

EMMC will incur a 4.5% fee for all credit card donations

Thank you!

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