Winnipeg, MB – Our summer has been going well. We had a full staff team and they did a great job working together as a team and connecting with the campers. Each camp had some tough campers, but surprisingly at the end of their week, they were the ones that were most sad about having to go home. Please pray for our campers as they head back into the city. We have had to make several calls to Child and Family Services asking them to look into home situations that were clearly not safe. Also pray for wisdom for our counselors. They are doing a great job of building relationship with the campers, but the trust they build often leads to tough conversations that they might not feel entirely prepared for.
We have felt God’s presence over the weeks and thank you so much for your prayers. We had a number of boat issues this summer but always seemed to have the people, resources and parts available to get things going again. We are planning to replace our main boat next summer. We also had more staff injuries this year than we would like. Praise God for healing the sprained ankles, damaged knees and backs. Praise God for providing us with cooks that happened to have strong medical skills at the time we needed them.
Somehow my staff team seems to stay the same age, but I keep getting older. Every year I find the physical part of camp just a little bit harder. This spring I began having pain in my left knee. This is slowing me down a bit as I’m on my feet a lot and there is very little flat ground on our island. Pray for healing for me.
I pray that you are finding opportunities to serve God wherever he has placed you.
Home church: Nassau Street Church, Winnipeg MB
This article was originally published in The Recorder Vol 60 No 5