MEXICO – These past few months our ministry has taken a different pace. The end of June and beginning of July were busy with graduations at all levels, including kindergarten.
A while ago as we were praying for Corupo, God laid it on Pete’s heart to go visit a couple that we had visited a few times previously. We went that afternoon and had a good visit with Nicho, but his wife Stella did not join us. She has health problems and is quite shy, so that did not surprise us. During the conversation Nicho shared that he had tried to get a hold of us because his wife needed glasses. Then he mentioned that he knew of others in that area of Corupo that also needed glasses. So, we arranged to have a mini clinic the following week, with him making arrangements for an appropriate location. That turned out to be a real blessing.
We did the clinic at Nicho’s mother’s place and were pleasantly surprised at the welcome we received from her and other members of the family. They weren’t at all reserved like many are at the first meeting. Also, Nicho was questioning Pete about why we distribute glasses at a minimal cost, knowing that there is no financial gain for us. Nicho acknowledged that it costs us time and money to go to Corupo and he couldn’t quite grasp why we would do that. Pete was able to share a bit with him and we feel that there might be an open door to start sharing more openly with Nicho and Stella and hopefully with other members of the family.
An added blessing was that Nicho and Stella invited us to join them for lunch after the clinic, which we did. At first Stella just served the food and she stayed in the kitchen. However, after a while she decided to join us, and she started to open up about her health issues. To us that was a huge step forward, that she trusted us enough to share so openly with us. Pray that God would give us wisdom to know how to share God’s Word with them. Part of her health issues looked to us like spiritual attacks, so we need to be careful how we share to not shut the door for further contact.
One stable factor during everything has been our relationship with our neighbors who are a pastor couple in Paracho. We continue to have weekly Bible studies at their place and very often in the evening, they invite us over to eat with them. We were blessed by the surprise they arranged for Pete’s birthday.
Family update: Josiah and ChristyAnn left Canada on October 7. Josiah will be living with us again, helping with the development and building of our property. ChristyAnn will be with us for about a month before going to Brazil.
Thanks so much for your faithful prayer and financial support! May God richly bless you.
Home church: Aylmer EMMC, Ontario
Mission: WEC International